Before You Book:
So, if you’re thinking you’re ready for a microblading or other permanent cosmetic procedure, it is important to know that the results of your permanent makeup will be based on the health and quality of your skin. Results will vary from person to person, and if you have a pre-existing skin condition or are on medications, you may still be eligible for a procedure but should adjust your expectations based on your situation.
Unfortunately, pre-existing skin conditions and skin treatments can heavily compromise the effectiveness of microblading and other permanent cosmetic services, leaving both you and I in an unfavorable situation. So, before you go ahead and book your appointment, read the pointers below to find out if permanent cosmetics is for you...
These procedures may not be right for you if:
- Skin Complications - If you have skin which is prone to complications with eczema, psoriasis, keratosis pilaris and dermatitis (i.e., your skin is constantly flaking, itching, or aggravated), chances are your skin is in a is in a constant state of unrest and shedding and is not suitable for tattooing and therefore won’t hold the pigment well.
- Permanent cosmetic Service are still optional but with realistic expectations for Chronic Conditions - For conditions like chronic acne and rosacea. The inherent nature of this type of skin causes easy bleeding, which once again means your skin will not retain the color very well and intended effect of microblading. Additionally, excessively oily skin can cause those tattooed hair strokes to blur together and give off an unwanted solid effect instead of a naturally feathered look.

Keratosis Pilaris
Dermatitis (i.e., your skin is constantly flaking, itching, or aggravated), chances are your skin is in a constant state of unrest and shedding and is not suitable for tattooing and your skin won’t hold the pigment.

Chronic Acne
State of Skin - If your skin is sensitive, it is likely to be easily aggravated and bleed easily. A good way to know if your skin is sensitive is if turns pink very easily from a little scratch. If your skin has large pores, specifically in the region of the eyebrows and forehead (aka the T-Zone), the color will blur and result in a powdered look. Along similar lines, tattooed hair strokes will not lay properly on skin with deep wrinkles, which can make the overall look appear uneven. Moles, bumps, piercing, and generally raised skin around the eyebrows will also not be able to retain color.
- Skin Type - If you have Fitzpatrick Skin type 1 (i.e., you are a redhead, have thin, translucent skin with light eyes), your skin is very likely to be hypersensitive and your skin will not be able to tolerate microblading well. The same applies if you just have generally very thin skin - it will bleed easily and not retain colour. Microblading is still optional but with realistic expectations understanding that color may not retain well leading to possible frequent touch ups.
- Previous Permanent Makeup - People who have previously had permanent makeup may want to change or fix what they have previously had done. Clients may have to consider laser removal prior to a procedure or ask the artist if they can work with their existing permanent makeup to incorporate the old design and colors into the new one. Always disclose if you’ve had previous permanent makeup so the artist can treat you accordingly.
- Accutane/Retin-A - Individuals who have been taking acne medications such as Accutane or Retin-A within the last year have an altered skin condition that will not heal well after the procedure. With Accutane/Retin A it’s very important that you wait discontinue use a year before tattooing the skin. Similarly, Retinol/Retinoid and Vitamin A users should discontinue the use of each a month prior to their procedure.
- If you have continued use of Accutane, Retinol, or skin-peeling acids, you may be prone to excessive bleeding due to your altered skin condition, therefore, microblading would not be a viable option for you.
- Latisse - Eyelash and eyebrow growth serum bring extra circulation (aka blood flow) to the area resulting in more growth of hair/lashes. Do not underestimate the power of these products! If you have been using Latisse or any other eyelash or eyebrow growth conditioners, the skin in that area is in a hypersensitive state and will bleed easily. Be mindful to discontinue using these at least 2-3 months before going in for a session otherwise you will instantly bleed profusely.
Hair Transplant - A commonly unknown fact is that scar tissue will form within the eyebrow transplant site. If you've had a hair transplant for your eyebrows, microblading is not a suitable procedure for you.
- Irregular State - If your body naturally runs hot or you have a bleeding disorder, this will result in excess bleeding and prevent adequate color deposit.
- Autoimmune - Even more seriously, if you have an autoimmune disorder such as lupus, or frontal fibrosing alopecia, you will be not a good candidate for Microblading due to your compromised skin health caused by these disorders.
Below is a list of medical conditions that often cause skin irregularities, making microblading an unsuitable procedure for you:
Trichotillomania (i.e., the compulsive pulling of body hair) can causes scar tissue in the skin to be prominent, which does not allow the color to heal properly.
- Glaucoma-If you hope to get eyeliner tattooed, the use of glaucoma eye drops makes eyelash follicles and eyelids hypersensitive, causing excessive bleeding and poor color retention.
Botox- Get Microblading done BEFORE you get botox so your muscles will be in a normal state of movement. Alternatively, if you regularly use botox, you will need to wait at 3 weeks after botox before doing microblading in order to allow the botox to settle in at its full effect.
- Vacationing- microblading is a tattoo and therefore is a mild injury to the skin which takes time to heal. If you are planning to go hot vacation involving sun, sweating, and swimming, make sure you give your skin two weeks to heal post microblading before showing off your newly microbladed brows on the beach!
-You are prone to keloid scarring on the head or neck. Ear piercing keloids are a good indicator that you are not a candidate.
-You are pregnant or breastfeeding. No exceptions not a good candidate
-If you are sick with a cold or the flu. Not a good candidate until your health has returned to normal.
-Women or Men who tend to easily hyper-pigment may NOT be good candidates for permanent makeup.
-Permanent lip color does NOT always work well on people with ethnic skin as the melanocytes (darker pigmentation) in the lips do not allow for the tattooed pigment to show up properly when healed under this darker skin tone.
-A person who spends a lot of time in the sun or in tanning booths is NOT a good candidate for permanent makeup since the UVA rays will alter and change the pigment tones, sometimes even turning brown brows blue.
-A person who is undergoing a major life trauma should NOT get permanent makeup. It is not wise to alter one’s physical appearance, while undergoing major stress in life. Best to wait until the issues causing the trauma are resolved.
-Avoid taking blood thinners such as fish oil, vitamin E, Aspirin, Advil, Motrin Ibuprofen, 3 to 7 days before permanent cosmetic procedure.
-Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine 24-48 hours before permanent cosmetic procedure
-Cholesterol and blood pressure medications while not blood thinners, work to make the blood platelets not stick together. In permanent cosmetics this often means there may be more chance of a blood droplet coming to the surface. The down side is this molecule is bigger than the tattoo pigment molecule and can wash some of them away. This leads to more color loss than would experienced on a client not on these medications.
-Clients on thyroid medications often need permanent cosmetic procedures re-enhanced a little more frequently. We have noticed that for whatever reason their color fades a little more quickly.
-Herbs and supplements can also have an impact on the skin. Some can cause blood thinning or skin thinning. Be sure to provide your technician with a complete list of everything that you take so that we can avoid unexpected complications and make sure you have the safest procedure with the most positive outcome.
You must first consult with your family Physician first, if:
-You are prone to cold sores/herpes simplex type 1 orally. You must be on prophylactic medications prior to tattooing the lip area. If you have ever had a cold sore before: you MUST be on a prophylactic dose of Valtrex (Valacyclovir) or Zovirax prior to having this procedure done in the lip area. No exceptions.
-You have had an organ transplant. Please Consult with your physician with a written approval note
-You are Diabetic. Please consult with your physician with approval note from physician. Diabetic clients who are insulin dependent often do not heal as well and may be at a heightened risk for infection. They may need clearance from their physician for permanent cosmetic services, waxing or other more aggressive skin care treatments.
-You are on Blood thinners. Please consult with physician with approval note from physician. Client's on Blood thinners will be expected to stop blood thinners one week before appointment. DO NOT i repeat DO NOT stop taking blood thinners until you have consulted with your physician.
-You are undergoing Chemotherapy. You will most likely have to wait until your Chemotherapy session is done. Must consult with physician with written approval note.
-You have a compromised immune system due to long-term illnesses. Please consult with physician with approval note
-A person on certain forms of prescription medication or with an existing medical condition may NOT be able to get permanent makeup. If considering it, consult with your doctor.
Points of Note:
Every client’s skin responds differently to these treatments, and this information acts as a guideline only
***There are no implied or written guarantees if you do not follow the pre and post care instructions!***
You must remember that even though this procedure isn't a traditional tattoo, it still involves piercing/breaking the skin and depositing of pigments. Assuring you're a proper candidate and following all instructions, both pre and post-care, is imperative for both safety and efficacy.
Please, make sure you also review aftercare instructions. Typically, two sessions are needed for a lasting effect. Yearly touch-ups are recommended to maintain your look. Some permanent cosmetics services don't need yearly touch-ups but it is advised to see your technician within the one to three year mark.
-All permanent cosmetics procedures are multi-session processes. You are required to come back for at least one touch-up visit before it can be determined that your work is complete. Touch-up visits are scheduled at 4-8 week intervals or longer.
-Be prepared for the color intensity of your procedure to be significantly sharper,
brighter, or darker than what is expected for the final outcome. It will take time for this transition, based upon how quickly the outer layer of your skin exfoliates.
While these tattooed colors may initially simulate the exact color and tone desired, they will not always remain a perfect match. Tattooed colors are constant, while your own skin color will vary depending on exposure to cold, heat, sun and circulatory changes.
-If you have oily skin, your results WILL appear softer (eyebrows can look solid) in
appearance and may require additional procedures.
-Clients with darker skin (Indian, African American, Filipino, etc.), Please know that the Hair Strokes and Eye Liners WILL NOT appear as defined or as dark as lighter skin types due to the skin color already being naturally darker.