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Location In Snohomish, WA!

Pre-Procedure Information old form

 Points of Note:

Every client’s skin responds differently to these treatments, and this information acts as a guideline only
***There are no implied or written guarantees if you do not follow the pre and post care instructions!***

You must remember that even though this procedure isn't a traditional tattoo, it still involves piercing/breaking the skin and depositing of pigments. Assuring you're a proper candidate and following all instructions, both pre and post-care, is imperative for both safety and efficacy. 

Please, make sure you also review aftercare instructions. Typically, two sessions are needed for a lasting effect. Yearly touch-ups are recommended to maintain your look.  

-All permanent cosmetics procedures are multi-session processes. You are required to come back for at least one touch-up visit before it can be determined that your work is complete. Touch-up visits are scheduled at 4-8 week intervals or longer.
-Be prepared for the color intensity of your procedure to be significantly sharper,
brighter, or darker than what is expected for the final outcome. It will take time for this transition, based upon how quickly the outer layer of your skin exfoliates.
While these tattooed colors may initially simulate the exact color and tone desired, they will not always remain a perfect match. Tattooed colors are constant, while your own skin color will vary depending on exposure to cold, heat, sun and circulatory changes.
-If you have oily skin, your results WILL appear softer (eyebrows can look solid) in
appearance and may require additional procedures.
-Clients with darker skin (Indian, African American, Filipino, etc.), Please know that the Hair Strokes and Eye Liners WILL NOT appear as defined or as dark as lighter skin types due to the skin color already being naturally darker.

The day of your appointment?
If for any reason you decide not to proceed with the permanent cosmetic tattoo service on the day of your appointment, the above-mentioned $50 to $100 deposit will become a cancellation and not be refunded.

P R E - P R O C E D U R E  I N F O R M A T I O N

If you’ve ever hired a professional painter, they will tell you that “it’s all in the prep”. Professional painters know that they get the best results when they spend extra time sanding, filling holes, making sure edges are smooth and applying the right primer.  Well, permanent cosmetics is very similar.  You will get much better results when you properly prep.

 It all starts with a good canvas! The skin to be treated must be healthy, strong, non-sensitive, and non-irritated.  Here’s how to get your skin ready for the procedure:

1) Since delicate skin or sensitive areas may swell slightly or redden, some clients feel it is best not to make any social plans for a day or two following any procedure. It is always best to avoid these procedures within months prior to important life events such as weddings. Procedures may take longer than expected to be complete under some circumstances.

2) Wear your normal makeup and bring your lip color or brow pencils to the studio on the day of the procedure.

3) Do not work out the day of the procedure or plan to do heavy workouts for 7 days after. Sweat is made of saline and removes the pigment that we have just implanted into your skin.

4) Avoid sun and tanning one week prior to procedure.

5) Discontinue these products 4 weeks prior to your permanent makeup service. Retinoids of any kind. This includes Retinoids of any kind Retin-A, Tazorac, Tretinoin, Retinal. These products can cause the pigments to fade prematurely and alter the color. After 30 days once area is healed you may continue using products but not directly on Service area.

 6) Avoid Chemical Peels or laser peels 6 weeks prior. No Microdermabrasion or facials for 4-weeks prior procedure. 

 7) No Botox for 1 month prior or 1 month after procedure

 8) Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, Powder Shakes or Advil/Ibuprofen or other blood thinning medications 7 days before procedure if possible the least amount of time you can wait is 3 days prior to apt. If you are taking stronger blood thinners such as Warfarin or Coumadin you will need the approval from you physician to be off medication for 7 days prior to session. No medication should ever be discontinued without first consulting your physician.

 9) NO alcohol or caffeine 24-48 hours before procedure (Yes, there is caffeine in decaf coffee and tea!).


10)  For Eyebrows: Eyebrow tweezing, waxing or tinting must be done at least 48 hours before the procedure. Electrolysis must be done no later than five days before. Do not resume any method of hair removal for at least two weeks following permanent cosmetics.

11) Refrain from use of any Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA), AHA's,  products close to the eyebrow area 2-3 weeks prior to and 2-3 weeks after your procedure.

12) Please note that you will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.

13) For eye procedures Do not wear contact lenses during the procedure or for 48 hrs after.
Bring sunglasses to wear home. Eyes may be light sensitive.

14) For Eyes: Do not dye, perm, or curl lashes for 2 days prior. If you have the individual glued on eyelash extensions, don't bother going for your next touch up knowing you have an eyeliner procedure coming up. The numbing creams, protective eye gels (Celluvisc or Sustain), many eye washes and skin wipes during the procedure break down the glued attachment and they fall off.
The lash extensions can be hard to work around, so it is a good thing they come off fairly easy. They are carefully removed so a lash with clump of glue doesn't fall in your eye and cause a scratch / corneal abrasion. You can have the lash extensions reapplied after 2 weeks.

15) If you are having lip procedures and have any history of cold sores/fever
blisters/herpes simplex, you will be required to contact your physician to obtain the proper prescription to prevent such outbreaks.
Prescription may be Zovirax, Valtrex or Famvir. Take 2-3 days before the procedure, the day of the procedure and 2-3 days after the procedure as directed and repeat on all visits.

16) A skin patch test is offered. As the client you can accept or decline patch test.

17) If you have had any type of lip surgery, consult with the physician about how long you should wait before having a permanent makeup procedure on the lips. Most physicians are giving a 3 week okay after lip filler injections like collagen or Restylane.
-Permanent makeup artists have noticed poor color retention in lips that have received collagen injections within the previous 6 months, longer for restylane. There has even been a little pigment migration along lip edges with Restylane. It may be best not to have lip filler injections and permanent lip color within the
same year. If the lip surgery involves an incision (like a lip implant), the incision needs to mature about 6 months before tattooing on top of it.

18) Please inform permanent cosmetic technician if any eye surgery has been performed. If so please contact your physician to discuss when a proper time would be to have permanent cosmetic procedure done.

19) If you have previous tattooing from another technician, please inform the studio before booking. We will require a photo and details such as; how may times you've had it done, when your last treatment was, and how much colour is left, if any. A consultation may be required before booking in your procedure. We need to assess the current tattoo to decide if it will be possible to successfully cover and refresh the old style. In some cases, removal may be advised (referral to a laser clinic or tattoo removal studio) if the tattoo is too dark and saturated to work on. If previous removal methods have already been executed, the pigment may not 'take' as well as on previously untreated skin. More sessions may be required (at an additional cost to you) if this is the case, as the skin may have scar tissue.  We have your best interest in mind and we strive to give you the best and most natural results possible.

20) You have to be off Accutane for 1 year. No Exceptions!